Sitemap - 2024 - YELLO by Hunter Schwarz

To show he’s for real, Trump signed a MAGA hat on camera, and he’s selling vintage MAGA hats with mismatched type again

What Biden’s press strategy tells us about the state of the media

Trump’s campaign has an official seal of approval and it’s asking for a 5% cut of all fundraising to use his name and likeness

This ad firm is making fundraising ads like you’ve never seen before

I’m obsessed with the concepts for NASA’s next lunar roving vehicle

Welcome to the age of the GigaFundraiser

Mike Pence just declared war on TikTok. You’ll never guess who he’s giving air cover to.

Why the Biden campaign is courting Haley voters

What Biden said at his record-breaking fundraiser with Obama and Clinton

Buckle up, Trump has his own meme stock

Heaven help us: spammers and scammers are polluting Facebook with A.I.-generated crab Jesus and engagement bait

This super PAC will go after third-party candidates so Biden doesn’t have to

Why Congress changed the color of its official pins

Did the governor of South Dakota just post sponcon?

Dressed in Ralph Lauren, Nikki Haley showed a new kind of campaign wardrobe

The Department of Transportation is doing a docuseries

They’re all running on their records, so here’s how California Democrats are differentiating

To actually make persuasive political ads, this study found campaigns should experiment

Trump’s checks, Biden’s emails, and the art of getting credit

What social media “platform retreat” could mean for the election

Biden’s campaign is multiplatform. Of course he’s going to join TikTok.

What the Paris 2024 design director told me about their Olympic medals

What makes a good federal agency logo?

Most super PACs pay for ads. Trump’s pays his legal bills.

A pro-Biden super PAC is making the largest single ad buy in U.S. history

How campaigns can do influencer marketing without influencers

The DNC 2024 logo puts Biden at the center

Trump’s running a contest to meet him at Mar-a-Lago

Trump won Iowa with new hats, voter education, and a video inspired by a truck ad

How Obama helped Biden raise more than $4 million

America250 got a rebrand and new logo

Trump’s social media interactions are down. Here’s why that helps him.